
We Hate Women

Hate sounds like a harsh word at first, and misogyny even more so. For many, it sounds like a fringe phenomenon, an extreme view that only a few people hold. Hating women is neither socially recognised, nor is it considered something that relates to each of us personally. But even if we don't want to admit it: We hate [...]

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We are back again

Vor zwei Jahren haben wir angefangen, uns in diesem Channel mit verschiedenen Themen rund um Männlichkeit und Sexismus auseinanderzusetzen und dazu persönliche, theoretische oder praxisnahe Texte zu verfassen. Bezeichnenderweise haben wir brennende feministische Fragen, die sich bezüglich Männlichkeit sofort stellen sollten, oft erfolgreich umschifft: Warum gibt es so viel häusliche und sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen?

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Zine: who cares – wer sorgt sich hier um wen?

Here now also the complete zine from the collective "Patriarchat Zerschmetterlinge" as pdf-file. The zine itself is unfortunately only in German language. If possible, we recommend to read the rest of the texts as well and would be happy if the collective gets paid for their work. Please use the donation link in the zine or on Instagram

Zine: who cares – wer sorgt sich hier um wen? Read More »

Strategies for fairly distributed emotional labour

Note: This text is an excerpt from the zine "Who Cares - Who cares about whom?" by the Patriarchat Zerschmetterlinge (Instagram: @patriarchat_zerschmetterlinge). The fact that emotional labour is so unequally distributed and that people feel differently responsible for it is not an unchangeable state of affairs. In order to bring about change, we believe that visibility, appreciation ...

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Emotional work in everyday situations

Note: This text is an excerpt with three of five examples from a chapter in the zine "Who Cares - Who cares about whom?" by the Patriarchat Zerschmetterlinge (Instagram: @patriarchat_zerschmetterlinge). Emotional labour takes place in many small, everyday situations. Who reflects on their own relationships? Who feels responsible for addressing something? Who cares ...

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Intersectionality in the formation of masculinities

Marginalized masculinity highlights the linkage to other systems of oppression. As mentioned in the last text, in the 8th chapter of her book "Masculinities" Connell deals in detail with different processes of formation and shaping of masculinities. In doing so, masculinity and femininity are understood as gender projects that are not rigid but are in an ongoing interaction with their emergence, historical contexts, and environments. [...]

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Hegemonic Masculinity

What Connell is best known for is her concept of "Hegemonic Masculinity," which will be introduced in this text. She is one of the first theorists to analyze masculinity by focusing on hierarchies and power relations of men. She acknowledges the importance of distinguishing different masculinities in the context of prevailing systems of oppression. However, she argues that ...

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