Critical Calendar

In the critical calendar you will find a new theme with different texts for the critical examination of masculinity(s) every month.

What is it about?
In order to understand the connections between masculinity and perpetration we need to start with a basic building block of patriarchal power and male socialisation: Misogyny. Many 'feminist' and 'critical' men do not deal enough with (their own) devaluation and aggression towards women - and certainly do not take action against it. In order to build up an understanding of the structures of male perpetration and ultimately develop strategies to combat them, let's start with the basics: misogyny.

What is it about?
Wie kann Männlichkeit analysiert werden? Wie verhalten sich Männergruppen untereinander und was hat das für Auswirkungen? Welche Gruppen von Männern haben welche Macht? Und was hat Männlichkeit mit Rassismus, Klassismus oder Homofeindlichkeit zu tun? In diesem Monat geht es um eine der zentralen Konzepte, um sich diesen Fragen zu nähern: Hegemoniale Männlichkeit.
What is it about?
What actually is (sexual) consent? Why is it important to talk about physical intimacy? What social images are we given of sex and consent? And how exactly do I actually talk about it? These and other questions will be addressed in November.
What is it about?
We want to use October to gather feedback and refer to texts from December that we want to encourage you to read again.
What is it about?
Im September stellen wir Quellen zu Feminismus in verschiedenen Formaten vor.
What is it about?
What does it actually mean to be critically engaged with masculinity & how to be a "critical" man? Why do cis men actually do feminism? And should they have an opinion now or shut up? These and other questions will be addressed in August.
What is it about?
Why is it so important to talk about sexualized violence and what is society's view of it? What help is available and how do I act when someone tells me about experiences of violence? July will provide an introduction to the topic of sexualized violence.
What is it about?
Why do cis men feel comfortable or uncomfortable with other men? What does this have to do with competition and sexism? With whom do cis men talk about their feelings and why is this related to patriarchy? Our texts in June on the topic of male friendships revolve around these and other questions.