Two years ago, we started using this channel to deal with various topics relating to masculinity and sexism by writing personal, theoretical or practical texts. Significantly, we have often successfully sidestepped burning feminist questions that should immediately arise regarding masculinity:
Why is there so much domestic and sexualised violence against women? Why are men violent? Who talks about it and who doesn't? Why do some men appear to be violent and others 'the good guys'? Why does violence so rarely play a role in the debate about masculinity? Why are those affected by sexualised violence so often alone in political groups with feminist claims? How should men take a stand on this violence?
In order to approach these questions, we will be dealing with various topics relating to masculinity and perpetration over the next few months. We will look at the connections between misogyny and masculinity, perpetration, rape culture and perpetrator protection and write about the work with offenders and the links to 'critical masculinity'.
Wir wollen insbesondere keine gemütliche, gute Männlichkeit anbieten, auf die Mann sich ganz bequem beziehen kann. Wir wollen dahin kommen, wo es unbequem wird und genau an den Stellen weiter nachhaken. Die Auseinandersetzung richtet sich dabei aber nicht nur und nicht primär an Männer, Täter und potentielle Täter. Besonders für Betroffene männlicher Gewalt ist das Wissen um Zusammenhänge zwischen Täterschaft und Männlichkeit und die verschiedenen Mechanismen der Gewalt ein Werkzeug im Kampf gegen sexuelle Gewalt. Wenn wir Zusammenhänge schneller erkennen, uns nicht manipulieren lassen und checken, dass das Verhalten des übergriffigen Typs in unserer Gruppe System hat, dann sind wir für den Kampf gegen patriarchale Gewalt besser gewappnet und können auf Vorfälle sexueller Gewalt solidarisch und konsequent reagieren. Diejenigen, die von Männlichkeit profitieren, können wir zur Verantwortung ziehen und eine aufrichtige Auseinandersetzung einfordern.
We want to offer men and those who have a connection to masculinity a basis for dealing with their masculinity and entanglement in male violence, especially if you think you don't really need to. Nevertheless, the texts will not be a "checklist for being a good man", but rather offer food for thought and impulses for a discussion. Be honest with yourself, feel the unpleasant feelings, talk to your mates and don't avoid them. We are talking about you!
In the coming months, we will be publishing texts that could be a start. Show them to your allies, friends, partners, critical men's groups, comrades, flatmates, relatives, perpetrators and the 'good' ones.
Furthermore, we are always happy to receive criticism by e-mail and if you share the calendar with people in your environment.
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